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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails is not directed at a case of negligence in the face of security regulations but at a conspiracy attempting to eliminate any trace of her correspondence which should have been archived on the servers of the Federal State. It could include exchanges about illegal financing or corruption, and others concerning the links between the Clintons, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the jihadists.

The reprise of the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails no longer concerns questions of security, but rather acts of skullduggery and cheating which could be as serious as high treason.

Technically, instead of using one of the secured servers of the Federal State, the Secretary of State had ordered the installation of a private server in her home, in order to be able to use the Internet without leaving any trace on a machine belonging to the Federal State. Mrs Clinton’s private technician had voided the server before the arrival of the FBI so that it was impossible to know why she had set up such a network.

First of all, the FBI noted that the private server was not protected by the same security system as the State Department server. Thus Mrs Clinton had only committed a security fault. Secondly, the FBI confiscated the computer of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, the ex-husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary’s chief of staff. The FBI found e-mails from the Secretary of State on his computer.


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