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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Hillary Camp Told DNC To Make Primary Look Less Rigged

Newly-leaked emails show that a major figure in Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign urged the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to schedule meetings with other prospective presidential candidates to make the process appear less biased.

The email, sent January 2015 before the official launch of Clinton’s campaign, is part of the latest dump of John Podesta emails by the online hacktivist group Wikileaks. The message, authored by campaign manager Robby Mook, is about a planned meeting between Clinton and then-DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and also describes a meeting between Mook and White House political adviser David Simas.

Mook’s message mostly deals with mundane political details, but at the end he makes an interesting comment that suggests an awareness of pro-Clinton bias at the DNC.


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