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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Hillary already planning her giant victory celebration

This could blow up in her face!

Hillary Clinton may have lit the fuse for her victory celebration a little too soon — by planning an Election Night explosion of fireworks over the Hudson River, The Post has learned.

Law-enforcement officials and the FDNY have been told to prepare for a barge-launched pyrotechnic display off of Manhattan’s Javits Center, where Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine will join their supporters for the Nov. 8 vote count, sources said.
The aerial detonations would last for two minutes, with the triumphal celebration permitted to start as early as 9:30 p.m. — a mere half-hour after the polls close in New York, sources said.

But the Democratic presidential nominee’s blueprint for lighting up the sky was sketched out before last week’s revelation that the FBI had revived its probe of her private server scandal.



  1. Hopefully, it will be a celebration by the rest of us that Trump has won and she's going to prison (unless she leaves the country)!

  2. I think instead she will go nuclear if she looses!

  3. I hope Trump blows her away in votes!

  4. If she wins it will be because of voter fraud. Some states don't require ID and voters not registered are being allowed to vote. Illegals are voting too.

  5. Now that's a big fat D"OH!

  6. Great opportunity for a political cartoon. Picture Hillary on a sinking boat with all of her cohorts aboard, shooting a single signal flare over the Hudson.

  7. It will be fireworks if she gets arrested! God I pray this happens, and then she hangs herself in her cell.

  8. Hope its her RETIREMENT/PRISON party!!! I will be celebrating with her!!!


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