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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hate-Fueled Crimes Up in Maryland

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– In recent days, several groups are tracking a rise in ugly incidents across the country. Hate-fueled messages in schools, some aimed at religions. Some reported in Maryland.

There was a swastika with the words white power scrawled next to it found over the weekend. On Election Day, Black Lives Matter signs at a Towson church were defaced. Graffiti reading “whites only, Trump nation” defaced a church in Silver Spring.

In York, Pennsylvania a high school student shouted white power in the hallway. Donald Trump supporters in Chicago and Towson have been attacked. In California, Muslims have been assaulted.



  1. The higher the population the lower the IQ.There was never enough intelligence allocated for in excess of 7 billion people on this Earth.5 billion max was the original intention,but the promise of free will allowed unimpeded breeding.There are simply too many of us to expect intelligent masses.

  2. More proof multiculturalism does not work. It is BS!!!
    We are Americans, if you don't feel this way, then I sincerely hope you get the hell out of this country! A good dose of nationalism is needed. To hell with the rest of the world. Way too much tolerance to cultures and religions that are opposite of our views and western culture.
    You came here and brought your problems and crime with you. We don't want your culture or your beliefs. Your are free to practice them at home or in your church or mosque. Leave your beliefs there, and just don't try to force it upon me! As an American, you are free to have your opinions and beliefs. Just don't force this on others who don't share your beliefs. Too many wars and death have happened because of this!

  3. Hate filled crime . . .

    No man knows the heart of another.

  4. 99% of things like these signs, cross burnings and other "hate crimes" are "false flag" operations. In one recent action where a muslim woman was supposedly attacked by whites, it was proved that the woman faked it. Usually the actions are reported in the media, but it is not reported that they were faked by the left.

  5. Hillary and Obama followers, for sure.

  6. Hey thugs mess with my family and thugs will be complaning if they get out of ICU.

  7. I agree with 10:53a post.

  8. All done by white liberals.

  9. "Black Lives Matter signs at a Towson church were defaced."

    Since when did defacing a racist terrorists groups signs become a hate crime??

    WTF is keeping track of these so call hate crimes?

    What about all the Trump signs that were knocked over, defaced, stolen or destroyed?? No hate crime there!!

    What about all the Black on White Crimes that have been conveniently ignored.

    If Trump doesn't do anything about this group monitoring the so-called Hate Crimes then he is not doing his job!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The higher the population the lower the IQ.There was never enough intelligence allocated for in excess of 7 billion people on this Earth.5 billion max was the original intention,but the promise of free will allowed unimpeded breeding.There are simply too many of us to expect intelligent masses.

    November 16, 2016 at 10:42 AM

    Speaking of a lower IQ, you must be in that group because you are too stupid to see that there is a space between every comma and every period. Sentences are also not supposed to be started with a number. Poor idiot wannabe know it all!

  11. Is dual citizenship allowed in this country?

  12. Anonymous said...
    99% of things like these signs, cross burnings and other "hate crimes" are "false flag" operations. In one recent action where a muslim woman was supposedly attacked by whites, it was proved that the woman faked it. Usually the actions are reported in the media, but it is not reported that they were faked by the left.

    November 16, 2016 at 11:25 AM

    You beat me to it. Remember the black girl that was raped and one that had feces smeared on her and Jesse and Al immediately flew down there and tried to incite rioting. Do you remember when it was proven false that it was a set up no apologies were given and charges were brought on to the perpetrators!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    I agree with 10:53a post.

    November 16, 2016 at 12:09 PM

    I was looking for the 10:53b post, did I miss it?

  14. Anonymous said...
    All done by white liberals.

    November 16, 2016 at 6:17 PM



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