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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Hacked Emails Cast Doubt on Clinton's Sworn Statement

Fox News’ Ed Henry reported Thursday on new revelations from hacked emails casting doubt on whether Hillary Clinton turned over all over her work-related emails when she swore she had.

Despite Clinton’s promise during a press conference on March 10, 2015 that she had turned over all work-related emails on her private server to the State Department, new emails released by WikiLeaks show the contrary.

Henry mentioned one email from an ad strategist for the Clinton campaign asking Clinton’s chief strategist Joel Benenson if there were other emails not being released to the State Department. Benenson answered, “Definitely.”

After mentioning another couple of email exchanges of Clinton aides from this time period, Henry mentioned an email from Clinton’s lawyer David Kendall urging other Clinton staffers to modify a fact sheet that Clinton had turned over all of her work-related emails. The initial claim was that all those emails dating back to March 2009 were turned over.

“We know there were other emails using the clintonemail.com address prior to that date,” Kendall wrote. “Could we make this more vague?”


1 comment:

  1. She lied to the public, she lied to the FBI and she lied to Congress. What's the holdup on her indictment?


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