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Monday, November 14, 2016

German Elder Statesman: ‘Trump May Be Better For Europe Than Clinton’

Former Bavarian Prime Minister and elder statesman of a key party in Angela Merkel’s governing coalition has spoken out on the emergence of Donald Trump as President-Elect of the United States.

Remarking that President-Elect Trump’s policies would mean “a lot” of change and “especially for Europe”, former Christian Social Union party Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber said the change would also bring opportunity.

Speaking in an interview with Focus magazine, the retired premier articulated particular hope for a thaw in relations between the West and Russia, that in comparison to the “very frosty” relationship between Obama and Putin Trump would probably deal with the Russian leader “on a personal level”.

Acknowledging that Mr. Trump would probably follow through on his comments about dialing back military support of NATO nations which failed to meet their treaty obligations — which presently is most NATO states — former Prime Minister Stoiber said European nations would have to pay more for their own security. He remarked: “Our armament spending will have to go up… and we must solve the problem of migrants from Africa ourselves. No one can help us”.

Moving on from the potential opportunities for Europe following the Trump vote, Mr. Stoiber criticised the shrill response from many in Europe.. he said: “I am amazed at the haughty criticism in Germany and Europe of the US voters.

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1 comment:

  1. Let's give this the chance it deserves, shall we?


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