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Monday, November 14, 2016

George Soros Front Groups Connected To Anti-Trump Riots

Tens of thousands of demonstrations and riots have been raging in major cities across the country for the past three days since Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, and as it turns out, some of these anti-Trump riots were sponsored by a George Soros front group and allied organizations.

In a 2007 email from the John Podesta release by Wikileaks, we find a discussion of financing groups for Hillary’s campaign and anti-Trump rallies such as MoveOn, a Soros-funded organization, as well as Women Vote and the Sierra Club. Following Tuesday’s election results, MoveOn called for demonstrations across the country to protest “misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.”



  1. These people don't give a hoot about the working class just their power and riches.

  2. Soro's need to be arrested or worse.

  3. 1:00pm I'll take the worse which I think would be better.

  4. 1:00
    The government works FOR Mr. Soros, not the other way around.
    He is an elite. (Part of the global banking sector)

  5. Like to see 5000 rednecks protest with American flags outside the hotel where Soros and his elitist friends are staying the next couple days.

  6. Soros needs to be exposed for what he is, not just by WikiLeaks, but all media sources.


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