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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Gennifer Flowers Slams 'Enabler' Hillary: She ‘Allowed Him to Do What He Did to Women’

NEW YORK – In a rare exclusive interview, Gennifer Flowers, who says she had a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton, slammed Hillary Clinton as an “enabler” who has “allowed” her husband to “go on and do what he did in a variety of forms to women.”

Flowers took issue with Clinton making women’s issues into a central part of her presidential campaign.

“That’s the biggest joke I’ve heard in a long time,” she said. “She in no way stands for women or supports women. Now she will verbally say she does but actions speak louder than words.”

Flowers made the remark during an hour-long interview recorded for this reporter’s talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM. Some sections of the interview played last week while others will air this coming Sunday.



  1. She needs to know that she is the worst kind of woman. Women who willingly sleep with married men are also the abusers of women. She needs to go away. The women who were raped by Bill Clinton are the ones that deserve to cry.

  2. I disagree 1:02. Flowers didn't break her vows. Why is it up to her to be the moral police? Democrats don't like moral police. Everything goes with them. Clinton should have controlled himself and for Hillary to blame anyone other then him was wrong especially being a democrat.

  3. I for once agree with Moochelle Obammy, Hillary ain't fit to take care of the White House, she couldn't keep her house in order the first time....LOCK HER UP!!!!

  4. Gennifer is just a attention whore. Don't sleep with married men.

  5. I have a problem with a woman who has a 12 year relationship with a married man and then tries to play the victim.

  6. As if the married man is faultless.

  7. Sex should not be a part of this election.

    1. This is not completely about sex ,it is about breaking laws to get revenge! And also breaking the law to benefit in power or monetarily!

  8. i think she's hot.

  9. She is the victim. The Clintons tried to destroy her when it was he who broke his vows. Flowers didn't make him sleep with her. He was on the prowl for someone anyone and she took the bait. Why blame her. He was the one who was married. He shouldn't have been out whoring around.

  10. Women who sleep with married men have no conscience. She doesn't care about anyone but herself.

  11. Anybody remember the rumors of Hillary and vince foster, or Webster hubble, maybe Bill and Hillary let anything happen?

  12. It is about breaking the law, or not. Big decision, big consequences.


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