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Friday, November 18, 2016

Florist Puts the Petal to the Mettle

Same-sex marriage isn’t about building homes -- it’s about destroying them. Ask Barronelle Stutzman. The Christian florist has been struggling to hang on to a lot more than her business for following her faith on marriage. Three and a half long years into her legal battle to preserve Arlene’s Flowers, Barronelle took her turn at the Washington Supreme Court yesterday, where she hoped to undo the damage done by a lower court that found her guilty of “discrimination” for politely declining to make the arrangements for the same-sex wedding of a longtime gay customer.

Although she was more than willing to sell the couple flowers, Barronelle carefully explained that using her talents to celebrate the union was a violation of her biblical beliefs. “I waited on Rob for nine years and created flowers for him on all types of occasions, but when it comes to my faith, marriage is between a man and a woman, and that’s where the line is drawn. I cannot create something for him in good faith; I wouldn’t be honoring God’s Word.”



  1. Pretty amazing that they couldn't find a gay florist.

  2. They didn't look for a gay florist!! The agenda they set out to accomplish was met

  3. No agenda. Did you even read the article. The guy was a long time customer. Did not go into that store to set her up. She is a whack job. In my business, I don't care who the customer is or what they do in their bedroom as long as I get paid for services rendered.

    1. So, since you don't have any standards, nobody should? How about known pedophiles, should a daycare be forced to hire one?

  4. Boy that is a stretch 6:34, there are other laws that prevent that. Educate yourself.


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