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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Feds probing Clinton Foundation were told to ‘stand down’

FBI agents and federal prosecutors got into a bitter feud over whether to pursue a pay-to-play probe into the Clinton Foundation — and the fight went public Thursday when some of the combatants went rogue and leaked the dispute to the media.

The New York agents were determined to proceed after hearing secret recordings of an unidentified suspect in a public corruption probe talking about cash flowing into the foundation from foreign donors seeking favors from the State Department, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The field agents also spoke to informants and thought they had enough evidence to go after the family’s foundation — and possibly Hillary Clinton herself — but some of the bureau’s brass and prosecutors at the Justice Department dismissed the recordings as hearsay, sources involved with the case told the Journal.

The recordings came up during the bureau’s investigation of the foundation — which began in the summer of 2015 — following the publication of “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by conservative author Peter Schweizer.


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