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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Election is over but the Clinton emails keep coming

Hillary Clinton didn't shy away from expressing her feelings in her first public appearance since conceding to the president-elect a week ago. “I will admit coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me. There have been a few times this past week where all I wanted to do was curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again,” she said in her speech at the Children’s Defense Fund’s Beat the Odds celebration in Washington, D.C. Clinton urged the crowd to keep America's children in mind and fight for them in this "new and uncertain future.” CSPAN NEW YORK You thought just because Hillary Clinton lost that the email releases would stop? Wrong. Judicial Watch recently received 508 pages of documents, including emails, that the conservative group says shows possible conflicts of interest between Hillary Clinton’s State Department and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Expect periodic releases of records to continue through 2018, even though many Clinton critics have moved on following Donald Trump’s victory. Judicial Watch – as well as other groups, including Citizens United – and news organizations had filed numerous lawsuits seeking the emails of Clinton and her top aides while she was the nation’s top diplomat after their public records requests went unanswered. The just released Judicial Watch documents stem from a 2013 lawsuit against the State Department. “It is a scandal that the Obama administration stalled the release of these smoking gun documents for over five years,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “These documents show that Hillary and Bill Clinton’s machine sought to shake down almost every country in the world, from Saudi Arabia to desperately poor Haiti.” More


  1. Are they still coming from Her Private Servers ???

  2. The private server emails are still being investigated.

  3. The NSA could release her e-mails at any time but it won't happen while Obama is still in the White House. Hopefully, Trump's Justice Department will request them and take action even though Trump has said he won't investigate.

  4. I believe the current batch of emails are the ones Judicial Watch sued to have released and a Judge to the State Department to do so in a timely manner.


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