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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Drain. The. Swamp.


  1. Those are some very stealthy helicopters. They don't even have shadows.

    1. Graphics were done by the same company that produced the moon landing footage! Damn...where did I put my foil hat?

  2. Trump better clean the WH out with some good Bleach.

  3. That is disrespectful to our country and national monument. I voted for trump but he doesn't own this country. He is a servant of the people.

  4. 5:13 lighten up.....its a funny. Why not type something about the stupid protesters???? OR are you really a cry baby trying to disguise yourself.....

  5. That swamp called D.C. really needs to be drained and I hope he just pulls the plug on all the corruptness there. Huge task but it needs to be done like, yesterday.

  6. Cute photo shop. In all seriousness, I appreciate President -elect Trump's conciliatory tone in his acceptance speech, but still hope he keeps his word on indictment and prosecution for crimes committed by the Clinton's and their cronies. The money that was diverted from relief in Haiti is especially upsetting to me. How many women and children suffered or died because the needed relief dollars never made it? I'm a democrat and am totally disgusted by the pay to play and above the law behavior that went on. We are a nation of laws.

  7. Start with ALL RINOS , Paul Ryan.

  8. 7;39 I agree the rinos are a real pain but he can't start off by declaring war on the very people he has to work with,the best thing he can do is go to work but never forgetting there are those who would stab him in the back if they got a chance.

    1. Bs they backstabbed trump they need to GO.


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