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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Donald Trump and his Republican allies are 'ready to slash the federal work force, impose hiring freezes and halt automatic pay raises'

If President-elect Donald Trump and his Republican colleagues in Congress have their way, government employees will be easier to fire and they will have their pensions reduced, aides and lawmakers say.

The incoming administration and its allies on Capitol Hill are planning to try and trim the public sector work force, in line with campaign promises to roll back government benefits, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

With Republicans in control of both houses of the legislature as well as the executive branch, they now have a chance to enact reforms which federal employees once thought they were immune from, including lower pensions, hiring freezes, a halt to automatic raises, and a crackdown on publicly funded union business.

'You have the country moving to the right and being much more anti-Washington than it was,' former House speaker Newt Gingrich said.



  1. most said they were moving if he was elected anyway.....see ya mudder Pluckers....

  2. It's about damn time.

  3. If I were Mr. Trump, I would have every Federal employee submit a letter of resignation, dated 12:00 PM, 1/20/2017. That is the surest way to get rid of all of Barry's cronies.

  4. Good for him, needs to be done.

  5. Are you people that dumb? 5:25 You want every FBI, USDA, TSA, EPA, FEMA, and NIH employee to resign and apply for their job. Every secretary, clerk, lab tech, janitor, and receptionist? That won't cost any money or shut down services.

  6. Tey could cut the federal workforce by 40% (selectively) and not lose any functionality or service - while saving a bunch of money.

    Let the Trump-haters leave first and see what happens - good riddance!

  7. Comments from minimum wage workers who don't have a clue about government jobs.

  8. I see the water level in the swamp starting to fall.

  9. So glad to have Mr. Trump as our next President!

  10. The gov't contractor workforce is almost 4X the size of federal employees. Latest figure has Federal employees about 2.1 million with gov't contractors a little over 7 million.

    Careful what you wish for with slashing federal employees. Goods/services (Social Security, FEMA, EPA, medical, et al) are NOT handled by contractors.

  11. Why do we have a GPO (government printing office) that prints nothing? Why do we have a USPS that has no real mail of their own to deliver?

  12. Congress should start by cutting their own bloated pensions, Cadillac health plans, and pay raises. The are the fattest cats in government.


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