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Saturday, November 12, 2016

DNC’s Paid Left-Wing Moonbats March Again – Cupcake Nation Protests…

Oblivious sheeple marching around the streets of New York, Chicago, Seattle, Philadelphia and San Francisco in protest to the free and fair election result they lost

Van Jones says: “Donald Trump’s election was a white-lash“. Unfortunately for Jones’ narrative Romney won 59% of the white vote. Trump won 58%, so it wasn’t a racial issue.

Feminist Democrat Leaders/Politicians blame gender bias against Hillary Clinton for Trump’s election. Unfortunately for their narrative Obama won with 47% of women voters, Hillary Clinton only carried 43% of female voters – so it wasn’t a gender issue.

However, both groups are on the street tonight marching in protest against Donald Trump’s election.

The George Soros’ funded Black Lives Matter group (Van Jones), and the raging left-wing feminist moonbats are joined by the Bernie Sanders Occupy Wall Street (OWS) anarchists.

Go figure…

It’s actually a sad state of affairs to see these these oblivious sheeple marching around the streets of New York, Chicago, Seattle, Philadelphia and San Francisco in protest to the free and fair election result they lost.



  1. No, this wasn't a racial issue, it was a refusal to allow a criminal into the White House. While some will refute her criminal behavior, what is to be revealed will confirm it and finally, perhaps, put an end to it.

  2. One of these so-called activists will sing like a canary about who did the hiring if they are investigated. Of course, Obama could pardon them and Soros (and, surreptitiously, the Clinton Foundation) would undoubtedly provide all the lawyers necessary.

  3. They are being paid to do this crap. It has nothing to do with an election.


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