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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Dems trying to nudge Comey out at FBI after Clinton probe decision

Top Democrats are ratcheting up their criticism of FBI Director James Comey for going public with a decision to revisit the Hillary Clinton email probe days before the election, with a few even hinting they want him fired -- though President Obama has shown little indication he'd oblige right now.

Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s chief adviser, reportedly is among those who want Comey gone.

“Valerie argued that Comey was interfering deliberately in the election process and had to be stopped,” a source told The New York Post. The same source said Obama, though, is “worried about the consequences of taking such an action – the tsunami of outrage that would come his way, and possibly become a major footnote, or worse, in the history of the presidency.”

The outrage from Democrats in recent days has been matched by applause from Republicans, in a reversal from the summer -- when GOP lawmakers were grumbling about Comey's decision not to pursue charges in the Clinton case and Democrats praised Comey's professionalism.


1 comment:

  1. The only person responsible for all of this is "Hillary Corrupt Clinton". No one made her lie, cheat, and steal. No one made her play for pay WHILE attempting to at least act like secretary of state. She is pure evil. I believe with all my heart, she would sell out her own daughter if it meant she (Hillary) would gain more money and power. These two things are her god. It is what she prays to, what she lives for, and the drug above all others she craves. She can't get enough.
    It is actually funny because these are the very things that are destroying her piece by piece by drip by drip. She is corrupt to her core.

    She panders to the blacks to get their vote. She hasn't done anything for them in thirty years, I don't know why they believe she will in the future. She does the same thing for the Cubans, the Latino's, the Mexicans, and any other race she wants votes from. Her words are lies, her smiles and hugs are fakes, she is poised and ready to strike like a snake if she is crossed in any way. She is has forsaken Christ The Lord of All.

    She doesn't deserve to earn your trust or your votes. She will only lie and betray us all. Save yourself and your country and DON'T vote for her.

    VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP/PENCE for yourself, your families, and for this country.

    The FBI didn't make her do any of these things. Hillary Corrupt Clinton made the choice to do all these things and more. She is the one to hold accountable and not any of the FBI agents willing to risk their lives for this country.


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