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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Could Trump’s win help Md. in fight for new FBI headquarters?

WASHINGTON — Maryland voters went for Hillary Clinton, but could Donald Trump’s election win bring a good thing to Maryland?

Maryland and Virginia are locked in a battle over which state will get the new FBI headquarters and the 11,000 jobs it will bring. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who publicly refused to vote for Donald Trump, said Trump winning the presidency now gives his state the edge in landing the new FBI headquarters.

Persuading the FBI to make its new home in Maryland “should be a lot easier,” Hogan told the Baltimore Sun. “It should be a slam dunk at this point.”

According to The Baltimore Sun, Gov. Hogan had felt the deck was stacked against him after the Obama administration delayed the decision to pick a site for the new headquarters. The decision had been expected this year. Delaying the decision meant the next administration would get to pick the site for the new FBI headquarters.



  1. With Republican Governor Hogan not endorsing President elect Trump, I'd be surprised if we get the nod on this one. But then again, McCauliffe certainly hasn't done conservatives any favors.

  2. I would look for it to go to a pro Trump state, like West Virginia. The governor and the state went blue, so I would not look for Trump to do us any favors. Virginia as well.

  3. he should have supported Trump. He didn't consider the big picture - just his own situation.

  4. That "deer in the headlights" look, says it all!

  5. yea I have to admit being disappointed by his game. But I do also recognize he stood on his principals and I respect that.

  6. Well, what do you all think? Hogan denounced Trump and never endorsed him. Would you, if you were Trump, give a huge contract like the FBI Headquarters to a state with a Republican Governor who was very vocal about not endorsing you? Seriously?

    Thanks, Lar! Really appreciate it... Oops, there goes the bird!

  7. Hopefully, Trump Administration will look at what's best for for all concerned and decide then. He doesn't have to play politics.

  8. Bring the H.Q.to the shore we supported him. I bet 15K people or more commute to dc every day now to work.

  9. I hate to say it but Trump should make sure Md does not get that
    Not crooked Va either

  10. 6:30 - ABSOLUTELY. Out of the box thinking, we have PLENTY O real estate - why not?

  11. Good luck Hogan. You made a BIGGGGGGGGGG mistake.

  12. Thanks 757 after all Langley va. Has the cia.

  13. I doubt they would put it here or in WV. Both locations are to far for people to commute and also to far away from all the other government agencies around the DC area. It would be nice though! Think of the revenue the state would get from people crossing the bridge.

  14. For Trump, it will be a business and logistics decision, not a political one. Remember, we voted for the Anti-Establishment guy! Remember also, there isn't supposed to be ANY politics within the FBI.

  15. Mike Lewis would have a fit if the FBI was running around on his shore.


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