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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Clinton's Email Server Tech 'Retrieved' Emails

Newly released WikiLeaks emails provide a new theory — offered by a 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign official — for why Clinton’s private email server technician, Bryan Pagliano, avoided testifying to Congress last year by invoking his Fifth Amendment rights.

“Bryan was the one who retrieved all our emails for Maura to read,” Neera Tanden, Clinton’s 2008 policy director, wrote to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in a a Sept. 3, 2015 email released on Thursday by WikiLeaks.

“Maybe that is why he’s avoiding testifying,” she added.

News broke that same day that Pagliano, who was the 2008 campaign’s IT director, would take the Fifth instead of testifying in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.


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