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Sunday, November 13, 2016

City Of Salisbury Notice Of Closed Session 11-14-16


  1. Frankly these closed sessions are BS! They can hold meetings during their hours of business but all these closed sessions are ridiculous. Sorry. Don't trust Day & crew to be looking out for Salisbury citizens' best interests. Example Section8/Boystown they want to make out of downtown. Would be nice if we had a downtown center like Easton, Berlin or Snow Hill. What they want is the West Greenwich Village/Rehoboth Beach which is NOT a draw for everyone only a special group. The Downtown should be for everyone not just a specific demographic.

  2. Anybody associated with salisbury city government shouldn't be trusted. As far as Day he's starting to drink that Bill Cropper all about me cult religion so you can expect anything from him these days. So called leaders that make it all about themselves

  3. Why is Jake Day sending out notices of a closed work session? Since when does he control the city council work sessions? Five cowards on the city council that don't have the balls to change this practice.

  4. There definitely is no attempt at HUMILITY with these guys!!! Cropper a so called pastor makes comments and posts about being a living legend and how he stands out in a crowd!! He and Jake day are made for each other both are narcassistic pigs!!


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