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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Charles County Sheriff's officer charged with possession of child porn

CHARLES COUNTY, Md. (ABC7) — A 10-year-veteran Charles County Sheriff's (CCSO) was arrested and charged Monday with possession of child porn, authorities said Tuesday.

Alexander C. Sullivan, 37, has been suspended by the Sheriff's office. Authorities say Sullivan will not receive pay during the suspension and it will last until a verdict in the case is delivered.

The CCSO says they were contacted by representatives at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) after officials there detected someone uploading child porn from a cell phone in Charles County. Once the phone number was turned over to CCSO, officials say they discovered the number belonged to Sullivan.

Authorities say they are continuing to investigate the incident.



  1. Not defending this creep but how are they detecting people's actions? Homeland security can with trigger words. But how can they with this?

  2. Child predators go all the way up in our government especially judges.

  3. I can tell you this, more than likely this man was against the Establishment, and hence why he is in trouble...

    Cops beat, rape, kill abuse people every day, and on camera and smiling while doing so, and NOTHING ever happens to them... Look at Lewis, was held in contempt and yet nothing happened nor will it...

    The only way these cops get found out is if they ignore their orders or do against the establishment... They let you do all of these things, knowing in the end they can use it against you and once you speak up or out, wham-o some charge...


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