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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Chairman Chaffetz Opener - Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security: WOW!


  1. So what was the purpose of this evil useless tax sucking agency again?

  2. My first reaction is Oh my God! Second is WTF, third is what was the reply to that ! In my opinion they, those who decided to release them should expect charged with accessory to these crimes and aiding and abetting them!

  3. Chairman Chaffetz Go after Hillary...you did the Best job on TV (just like a Lawyer) at previous Hearings

    Don't let her off the Hook ...you have her
    Don't let Dems get her off
    Plenty of Evidence /Proof to take her down
    Lieing to Congress etc etc etc
    Can the congress Prosecute her without DOJ ?? Should be

  4. Obama said they have to release them

  5. So, why does this Agency exist?

  6. This is the Department headed by Jeh Johnson who gave DNC a 1/2 million dollar contribution and was then made the Head of Homeland Security. He is in the Clinton Cartel and controlled by them.


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