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Monday, November 21, 2016

CAIR Unhappy With Trump’s Reported Pick for National Security Adviser

President-elect Donald Trump has offered the key post of national security adviser former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.), the Associated Press reported Thursday, citing an unnamed senior Trump official.

Flynn, who served as head of the DIA from 2012 to 2014, has been advising the Trump campaign on national security issues.

He is also an outspoken critic of radical Islam and shari’a (Islamic law), and has attracted the ire of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Earlier Thursday, CAIR issued a statement urging Trump not to appoint him “because of his history of anti-Muslim comments and associations.”



  1. Screw the slimes - with pork-fat lubricated implements!

  2. Newsflash: NOBODY CARES what they think about it.

    Nobody needs their permission either.

  3. I am happy that they are unhappy.

  4. I'm with 1:23. I would be more worried if they were happy with it!

  5. Anti-Muslim comments? My kind of man.

  6. “If we cannot criticize the radical Muslims in our own country, we cannot fight them either in America or overseas,” Flynn writes. “Unless we can wage an effective ideological campaign in the United States, we will not be able to defeat the jihadis on foreign battlefields, because we will not understand the true nature of our enemy.”

  7. CAIR is a terror group.

  8. Bacon and eggs for everyone.

  9. CAIRE unhappy? Then Trump has made the correct choice.

  10. They need to be SHUT DOWN.

  11. This means Flynn is the perfect choice!


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