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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Black motorists in Md. are pulled over, searched at higher rates

Black motorists in Maryland are stopped and searched by police at higher rates than their white counterparts, despite being less likely in many jurisdictions to be found with illicit drugs or other contraband, according to statewide traffic stop data.

In Baltimore County, black drivers were targeted in 50 percent of reported traffic stops by county police and 53 percent of vehicle searches between 2013 and this year, according to data from the Maryland Statistical Analysis Center, despite black people making up just 27 percent of the county's population.

In Anne Arundel County, black motorists accounted for 29 percent of stops and 35 percent of searches. Black people make up just 16 percent of the population in Arundel.

In Howard County, black drivers were targeted in 37 percent of stops and 43 percent of searches, despite black people making up just 18 percent of the population. After being pulled over in Howard for seat belt violations — one of the most common offenses tracked — black motorists were 87 percent more likely than white motorists to be searched.



  1. I'm a Black American and I don't care what statistics are put out there. It doesn't matter that there is one race pulled over more than another. Stories like this don't help anybody and creates a non-sense prejudice for now reason. Godspeed everyone.

    1. Amen..thank you for being reasonable..it's not race related they scan your tags and if you have been caught driving dirty and or have a record..they pull u over to take a peek.

  2. 1:40 Thank you for your response. The more the Media, including
    the SBY New Blog, keep posting this material, the more we will never recover from prejudice.

  3. Baltimore County and AA County border Baltimore City which is majority black. Are we to assume people don't drive from the city to the county?

  4. 1:50
    Have to agree with you.

  5. Mathematically the story does not match the headline.
    Example: 29% are black that leaves 79% of others.
    So how is that a majority.

  6. Or if you don't have insurance or proper registration. I believe Md has one of the most uninsured drivers in the region. 33% ?

  7. So tired of hearing this bs. I don't believe half of it. And what color are the Majority of people burning city's to the ground? Examples like Baltimore and Chicago. #love more

  8. Black people commit more crime. It's that simple.

  9. First off the don't make up 18% of the population. Look at Wicomico COunty's census records online. The numbers havent changed in 20 years? Give me a break. White people are the minority.

  10. Profiling works.. When I was younger the cops used to follow and hassle me all the time resulting in several arrests an incarcerations. I thought I was targeted and picked on until I realized I really was a trouble maker and they knew who I was, I remember sitting in a cell block with a bunch screw ups and misfits and thought to myself...Man they have to lock me up in a cell because a cannot conduct myself in a civil society, I never went back.

  11. The chips Fall were they fall!!! quit wining

    Who does the crime ?? the jails and prisons are Proof !!!

  12. The police should be able to pull over Anyone they choose
    and not be afraid to either...just because somebody black
    can always play the Race Card every time they like.....

    The blacks who get in trouble with the police do themselves
    in because they think they don't have to respect the police
    or follow their Orders like everyone else does....
    That's why they get shot so much more than anyone else....

  13. Stop and Frisk works too...proven in NY city.....

    the Race Card gets the bad winers off most of the time
    and so Affirmative Action needs to be thrown out Now !

    Police should be able to so-called Profile whomever they want or need to ....

    You don't hear any Whites wine over Profiling / getting
    stopped by police / because of color

    It's like a Broken Record now ...all the wining over race!

    The police know the Blacks are going to wine every time
    they get stopped...That's why Noone wants to be an officer

  14. Right...just do what they say..and order you to do ...like
    anybody Normal does...and you will be fine...let alone
    have to worry over getting shot.......
    You Must Respect them and Not Take them on...if you are that
    Dum then you get what you get stupid!!.....and don't wine..

    You can't beat them ...they will always win...just do what
    they say and be polite and courteous ...like you have some
    common sense....

  15. It is certainly a Thankless Job these days
    No amount of money is enough to be an officer
    You are always in danger of being Doubted/Blamed/Sued/Killed

    Who the hell would want it ?????????

  16. The way it is now days...

    One will have to be Black to be a Police Officer because
    then the black suspects won't be able to play the Race Card

    In Sports they have taken over, may as well take over the
    police too....

    Who will get the blame then , when blacks are pulled over??

  17. What`s new? Our country has a long way to go to be color blind! On both sides! Only thing for sure is blacks stating the obvious! And some whites in denial cause they tired of hearing about it! So they rationalize the unfairness! Everybody who does there homework knows crime and poverty are linked. And everybody knows blacks are more impoverished for obvious reasons including some faults of their own! Everybody knows there is a substantial amount of social and racial injustice in our country! Everybody needs to address the issues instead of a bunch of useless spouting of negativity! One nation under God!

  18. Getting stopped for a tag light violation is ALWAYS just an excuse for the cops to look for something else. Cops do not waste their time trying to get people to fix their tag lights. That is never their objective. If you are stopped for a tag light violation, be prepared to be interrogated, no matter what your race is. The stop is because you have been profiled, in one manner or the other, by the officer that stops you.

    Very important that one keeps all of their lights in proper working order (including the third brake light) if one does not want to give the cops an opportunity to interrogate them on the side of the road.

  19. 6:12 shh you can't say that, liberals can't handle the truth. Look how they lost their minds after the election.

  20. This stat is irrelevant. If you're behind a car to pull it over you can rarely tell race or sex of the driver. Try it.

    And I'm not talking about guessing based on clues such as car styles, music, etc.

  21. Anybody think it's possible they're guilty of committing more infractions?

  22. They bring the HEAT on themselves ....don't complain ....

  23. Police Lives Matter !!!!!


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