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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Black-mob violence: 4 arrested at Temple University

100 young people involved in attacks on students, police, police animal

(NBC News)
Four juveniles were arrested in a series of flash mob-style attacks on Temple University’s campus this weekend that left students and police officers hurt, police and university officials said.

Groups of young people, estimated to number between 20 to 100, roved the school’s North Philadelphia campus Friday night for nearly two hours causing havoc, authorities said.

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

Students were punched and kicked, an officer tossed to the ground and stones were thrown at passing cars, police said. Officers from three agencies — the Philadelphia Police Department, Temple University police and SEPTA police —responded to the incidents.


  1. I bet it is a gun free zone nor is it a concealed carry state. Until citizens put a deadly touch to this kind of nonsence it will continue.at least they can apply rico to this? Get the arrestees phone records and snag every dam one of these scums bags. It is organized crime!!

  2. Right 8:15 but for whatever reason most blacks haven't the sense to figure this out. And if they can their inherent tenancy to lie constantly and without shame would prevent them from admitting the truth.


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