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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Anti-Trump Protests Funded By Left-Wing 'Charity'

A left-wing charity organization with unknown sources of money is providing the funding for protests around the country — some of which have turned into violent riots — that have threatened a divided nation’s ability to unify after a contentious presidential election.

The Progress Unity Fund is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization — the same classification as the Red Cross. The group’s mission is to “provide a progressive alternative to mainstream charities,” according to its IRS filings.

The fund provides the financial backing for Act Now To Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition, a left-wing activist group that began organizing “emergency protests” immediately after Trump’s election.

Cities where ANSWER held protests included: Chicago, New York, DC and San Francisco, among others.



  1. Easy fix, Pull there 501C3 status. Obviously this is not good charity works. The IRS has the right to pull there status.
    It is called money laundering, people with deep pockets to
    cause trouble and right off the donation on taxes.

  2. their 501(c)3 needs to be revoked and they should be made to pay taxes and their money. They are not charity. Sounds like another Clinton Foundation scheme.

  3. the IRS needs to be revoked! NON-PROFITS need to be revoked!

  4. It's so funny they made the biggest deal about Trump not accepting the election and they turn around and refuse. It's the democrat way. There isn't a democrat alive who isn't a constant liar. Human filth.

  5. Trump has already created more jobs than Obama.


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