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Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Sgt Jeff Hickman

Sgt Jeff hickman was the treasurer of the FOP and was suspended for investigation also. Never made the news. He didn't detect $73,000 missing? He had access to all accounting and statements. Buddies with babe Wilson and the Sheriff. Sweeping it under the rug.


  1. Do the right thing and have a independent C.P.A. and audit take care of the monies.

  2. Mike LEWIS butt buddy!! I truly hope their ignorant enough to allow these clowns to change theft to a loan after the crime was committed. You clowns in county government need to be held accountable and your sins and crimes exposed

    1. That might be exactly what happens.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mike LEWIS butt buddy!! I truly hope their ignorant enough to allow these clowns to change theft to a loan after the crime was committed. You clowns in county government need to be held accountable and your sins and crimes exposed

    November 26, 2016 at 12:09 PM


  4. You need to get your facts straight.

    1. If it wasn't straight then it would of never been posted on joe blog

    2. 1:44. Really!!🙄🙄

  5. Someone must have noticed 73k missing or we wouldn't be talking about it.

  6. Really do not understand why these men with the rank they have I am sure there salaries yearly with overtime was as much or more than this amount.
    Crazy to blow a good job for self indulgence and greed.

  7. I thought Wags was the treasurer .

  8. It was a 'sin' for the fraternal order of police to have hired high school and college kids to collect the signatures on the petitions that allowed collective bargaining. I knew it then and you are witnessing it now, the in-depth corruption associated with this group of vandals.

  9. oh a political firestorm in the outhouse of MD.
    it will be covered up as it always is and Marty will pay the price whether or not he is solely guilty.

  10. You can tell by the smug ass grin on his face he's not the least bit worried!!! He already knows he won't be held accountable

    1. That's an old photo from the FOP website

  11. He better be held accountable or the F.O.P will be know more.
    Citizens now don't trust the F.O.P and we don't trust ourselves. Thanks Jeff and Marty!

  12. If Hickman wants to try to make things right he will:
    Voluntarily give up his rank down to a deputy with pay reduction.
    Publicly apologize.
    Apologize to the F.O.P.
    Resign from the lodge.
    And get on a 50% payment plan where the money comes out of his check directly into the F.O.P account.
    Marty is responsible for the other 50%!!!!!!!!!!!
    But guess what It will never happen!

  13. Is he related to the Hickman in John Phoebus office


  15. Any relation to Kristy Hickman? If so he will get a free pass.

  16. I feel so bad for Mike Lewis... These guys have brought great embarrassment on him. He is a cops cop and a great one at that. I'm sure he is more upset over this than anyone. Mike I hope these guys personally apologize to you.

  17. If he's not prosecuted then the young lady down in pittsville or willards who embezzled money from the town needs to be allowed to be released and a loan payment set up!! What a f•••••• joke wicomico county is

  18. 344
    Mr. Lewis is a liar.
    That simple.

    He is commonly referred to as lying mike.

  19. Wonder why County executive and HR Director are silent on this matter. Fear, cover up or incompetence.

  20. The FOP is totally independent from the Wicomico County Sheriff and the office. It is also totally independent from the Wicomico County Government. Get your facts straight!

  21. Why isn't the CE weighing in?
    Are these the "men" we want policing our community?

  22. It's call ethics violation POS!

  23. What exactly is your point @5:54?? Are these two not employees of WCSO?? Does this not reflect on the character and integrity of the WCSO and what apparently is acceptable behavior by the majority of it's employees?? Was this not a CRIME committed in wicomico county that if it hadn't been because the FOP IS separate from WCSO would have swept it under the rug and we probably would have never heard about it. You can try to defend this or rationalize it any way you want but LEWIS and all his little cronies at WCSO finally had some of their dirt exposed, God knows there's plenty of it

  24. Drain the swamp!
    Problem is Mike Lewis is really the one running this county.

  25. Hickman is a cocky ass. Walks around thinking he's the greatest thing. Blows up all the time acting like a fool. His behavior is his undoing. He didn't realize 73000 was missing and he is the treasurer? He's a disgrace. In bed with Lewis. That's why he didn't get charged criminally. Hasn't made an arrest in years. Worthless.

  26. The FOP leadership knew about the other guy taking money. Hell, they were even giving him personal loans on top of the money he was stealing.

  27. 8:23 DO WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    I hope your wrong and don't know what your talking about!

  28. Looks like a mug shot. Probably should be.

  29. Funny thing is Hickman is buddy buddy around the sheriff but talks smack about the sheriff behind his back as soon as his back is turned.

  30. I have a question , what the hell is $73,000 doing at the lodge? It's nothing more than a under maintained frame house on a bad side of town. How about a bank or an investment broker. Who has brains here , certainly not the officers. I've been in this shack many times , WTF.

    1. Lol. You actually thought it was at the lodge? Sharp you are!

  31. It wasn't at the lodge. It was in a bank account. A bank card was used for all transactions and idiot Hickman, the treasurer, didn't catch any of it.

  32. To 5:54 Poster that says and claims the FOP is independent of the Sheriff's dept. and Wicomico County government.

    Response: What kool-aid have you been drinking. The FOP is none other than an entity that has found a backdoor way into the hip pockets of Wicomico's taxpayers. They have basically enjoined - or - 'saddled' their salaries onto Wicomico's taxpayers at considerable expense. Case-in-point - look at other States like NJ, CA and/or Maryland. Eventually they will erode the very essence of fiscal sanity. One will be required to either relocate to a more responsible geographic area, or, the alternative is run-a-way real property taxes. As my minister says; 'you reap what you sow, more than sow, later than you sow'.

  33. @9:16 exactly!! And who was behind all if that and pretty much dictated the process and its outcome?? You got it goid ol Mikey LEWIS, there is way more to this story than what's been exposed. If it's something to do with law enforcement and its happening in wicomico county LEWIS makes it his business to know about it.

  34. Yesterday, Joe published a similar union related interesting article about NJ's pension crisis.


  35. I never donate to the FOP, why do they need all that money anyway? They use it for parties and things other working people do not enjoy as an employee.

  36. If FOP doesn't have any connection to county government or sheriffs office, why did they get collective bargaining, pay raises from a FOP contract approved by HR and County Executive and the budget is from county tax payers, it is all one in the same since they effect each issue. While one is innocent until proven guilty, Hickman if guilty of a crime will be terminated by county.

  37. You left out the whole board should go down. Mike Lewis and Ella Disharoon made sure all of this made it to the media.

  38. How much are we paying for this circus Bob?
    Let's start hiring some grown-ups!

  39. Sound like the sheriffs office need the swamp drained!

  40. I'm not even involved and I'm so embarrassed! I'm a F.O.P member and a police officer. I have not seen anything like this in my career. I think the majority of people being talked about are supervisors in there work place.... What the HELL is going on. Someone in charge PLEASE fix this and make things right again.

  41. I think it is an embarrassment that hickman could allow that much money to be stolen. The lodge members put their faith in him to ensure that funds removed from our paychecks were used for our benefit. Instead he either did nothing or was in on it. Either way Hickman should be banned from membership indefinitely. As a supervisor he also leaves a lot to be desired. His shift is the one shift no one wants to be on. He's quick loose his temper and typically does nothing for the welfare of his people. He should quit police work and find something more suited to his personality. Maybe work alone in some field where he has a very limited responsibility.

  42. Our elected officials need to step up..... part of the solution or part of the problem?

  43. I didn't vote for this!

  44. Leave your dirty laudry in the hamper.

  45. Whats the matter 3:57 you cant get promoted unless these people get fired lol. What a POS. I am sure when they were fighting for your contract you did nothing to help. There is an obvious problem here. So we throw the baby out with the bath water?? I know Fisher I do not know Hickman. Funny none of these people bashing Fisher or Hickman sign their names. You elected them they could not have been all that bad. I mean seriously. Sounds to me the Sheriff and this Murpphy another one I do not know pushed this issue. Murphy is appointed acting President. So are Fisher and Hickman still in office. This whole thing stinks. Good luck Fish. I hate cowards. Dave sid call him he can not reach you.


  46. If he (Hickman) has been suspended, pending the results of the investigation and/or trial and Fisher. was all ready suspended and charges filed, how can you all claim that things are being swept under the rug? Do you all even understand the phase? Do I need to break it down for you? All the conspiracy BS and shit pot stirring that you all engage in and you're still trying to drag all LEOs in and claim all kinds of special rights and privileges hell by US. If they truly had some sort of special friends in high places, then they wouldn't be in the spots they're in right now.


  47. Jones, hickman is apparently not suspended anymore. Word is hes back. This happened because he's buddies with admin. I do understand the process. Hickman got a paid vacation while Fisher got nailed. Fisher was well respected and helped people out. Hickman is not well respected and walks around behaving like a total ass to everyone. He has been this way his entire career. People can't stand working for him and avoid him. His attitude is horrible. He's buddies with admin but talks poorly about them when their backs are turned. This in itself is a poor quality. He was entrusted with keeping our money safe. He failed in his basic obligation of his elected office. Hickman is laxy and incompetent as a police officer, a suoerviwor, and a treasurer yet walks around with a chip on his shoulder, cocky. People are tired of his, the admins. And the sheriff's attitude that they are untouchable. People are disgusted. We go to work every day and smile at them because we have to.

  48. It seems reasonable that those comments were questioning that these men seem to find themselves with their own blessing, surrounded by questionable people, making questionable choices, if even by appearences, and a thing for drama.

    You are judged by the company you keep .....and those you hire and promote and pay....well.

  49. Joe, I do not think either Mike Lewis or Bob Culver had anything to do with this debacle. It was dropped in Lewis's lap. But, Mike Lewis is responsible for not charging Hickman internally and finding him not at fault for his actions. He has swept Hickman's issue under the rug. Hickman's actions are at the least incompetent and at most criminally unethical and he should be held accountable. How can a treasurer of an organization not realize that $73,000 is missing? It is either total incompetence and dereliction of duty to his office OR with criminal intent. Although, it may not be with criminal intent, at the least his actions bear internal conduct unbecoming charges. Unfortunately, we have to work with Hickman every day. If he skates by on this issue it will reflect terribly on his character, which is already grossly lacking, and the Sheriff's Office. For a man that touts himself as honorable, it lacks merit. I agree with the others in that Hickman should be banned from FOP membership indefinitely. It should be brought to a vote by secret ballot to all members, not just those in attendance of the meeting.

    -A Concerned Deputy

  50. I wonder how a Sgt. Who is responsible for loosing his subordinates personal money which they contributed to a non profiet organization will be able to continue in a supervisory roll. Many deputies are VERY angry and biter towards this guy. I don't see how he can remain anyones supervisor. Heck I don't see how he can even remain employed! Do the right thing MARINE step down and Feel blessed if you can remain employed! When I see you I see someone responsible for my money being stolen. You could have stopped the bleeding if you were doing your F_ _ _ _ _ _ JOB !!!!!!! I for one am sick of people asking me in the community "what's going on at the FOP and Sheriffs Office"? Sick of it ! Embarrassing !

    1. He's never going to quit. He's massive ego won't allow it. He will go on behaving like an ass to everyone. I guess when he made a 70 year old man cry, who dedicated his life to the sheriff's office, and got transfered to a road shift, thanks to admin, so he can manage more people, instead of less, it's a good thing. They should put him somewhere where he can't do much harm.

    2. That's part of the issue with hickman. He walks around with a "marine" attitude having seen no combat. He was an aircraft mechanic. This is not the Marines. It's a civilian law enforcement agency in a rural county at that. There are Marines and military at here at WCSO that are not jerks. Learn from us Hickman.

  51. Wicomico County is worse then Somerset county!

  52. How can any organization employ people like this? Sad.

  53. Hickman is not a bad guy. We have all stumbled before. I view my dues as F.O.P. money once it is paid.

    1. Hickman, please. This guy is rude and nasty to everyone. Couldn't of happened to a nice guy. What goes around comes around my friend. Reap what you sow.

    2. Even a clock is right twice a day logic. Time to leave Hickface.

    3. Stumbled? Not noticing $70,000 missing is one hell of a stumble!

  54. Mike Carey for sheriff!

    1. AMEN to that!! Mike turned out to be what law enforcement should be!! The man shows respect to all, he's humble and sets a tremendous example

  55. Oh lawd who are these people? Get rid of this guy Hickman. Sounds like a fool. Mike Lewis is a good guy. Why he employs a turd like this is beyond me.

  56. I have known Hickman for years. Here is what's going to happen. Mark my words. He is going to be brought back onto the fold but kept at arms length because he's an embarrassment to the administration. He does talk a lot behind d their back. He's going to act nice to everyone to curry favor but everyone knows what Hickman is about. It will die down next month. But people will not forget Hickmans inaction. He should be marked with a scarlet "A" for apathy in losing all of our money.

  57. Down with hickman. Vote Mike Carey sheriff!

  58. Say what you want about Hickman I would walk through hell on Sunday with this man. Those who hate what they do not understand are just ignorant to people who are like them. Stay strong Brutus. This like all things will pass.

  59. We all know Mike Lewis has wanted Fisher gone. Mike in no way wanted Hickman caught up in this. Murphy handed two men she hates over to Mike. Funny I think the entire board needs to be hammered. Just my two cents

  60. 1:49 I think the total is exaggerated. There is more to this story I am sure of that. How did an entire board miss this. I wrote down the totals at each meeting. There was a report given if you attended the meetings you know this is true. Something is just not right here. All I know is I want every cent paid back. If in fact Fisher is to blame I am not sure how we get it back if he goes to jail. No one will hire Fisher after all of this being public and if he is in jail no one gets paid. Looks like we will lose all the way around. I am still confused how this happened with no one noticing.

  61. 1205 You can walk through hell and back with "Brutus". The rest of us want nothing to do with this stumbling, incompetent ass. The man doesn't realize that $73,000 disappears? Come on man. Brutus is incompetent as hell, does nothing, and behaves like a fool. Brutus, Hickman, has 53 criminal cases in his career. In his career!! Or at least 53 cases he was subpoenaed to. He could have been there as a member of SERT! So, don't cry me a river of Brutus and that he should stay strong. The man is a drag ass lech that thinks he's better then everyone else. Poop on Brutus.

    1. How is a man a shift supervisor when he only has 53 cases?! His shift deputies have more road experience then him!

  62. Is that what it shows on case search? 53 cases? Damn I know rookies still under there FTO'S with more cases than that! I'm going to look that up for myself. This stuff gets more interesting by the day! The way he Carries himself you would think he wrote the book on law enforcement ! I always thought the guy was high speed! I felt privileged to be allowed to stand in the same room as he.... Although I dared not speak without his permission!

    1. It's his ego. He carries himself like he's the greatest but in reality he has no ability to lead, does not lead by example, has no personnel skills, and lacks any real road experience. So he has 53 cases. Some of which he wasn't primary.

    2. How can a person be a supervisor with only 53 cases? This guy is telling others what to do? How can that be?

    3. His experience relates to a garage and a desk.

  63. Jeff, I'm going to give you some advise ... First don't talk smack behind people's back to administration. You see how much it affects people. They don't like you very much and it has gotten you no where. Second, if you take a job you have to perform that job function. Not only as an FOP member but as a shift supervisor. Stand behind your men instead of throwing them under the bus. Lastly, improve your personality by trying to be nice to others instead of being a macho mess. You do not impress people. They are disgusted by it. The more negative energy you put out, acting nasty, talking bad about people, it comes back to bite you eventually. That's whay you are in the situation that you are in. Laziness and negative energy. All those people you laughed at and talked about, is returned to you. Now people are laughing at you. Remember how it feels. Do better with yourself. Be a better person. This isn't a woosey thing hickman, it's a basic principle in life. The golden rule.

  64. "Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism."

  65. Look at all the Admin. I think most have less than Hickman. If we are going down that road look at Fisher's arrest. Check out Murphy and G. Baker lol WTF were they doing when they were on the road eating Bon Bons lol. I do not think Murphy has a felony arrest in her career well unless you are counting Fisher. Wow. So how did Murphy get Deputy Of The Year for the entire state. Speaks volumes as to what goes on at the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff rewards lazy and his bunk's the rest of us get crapped on. I think I know how Murphy is getting a head. Did i just say head lol

  66. Baker and all the brass has less cases then Hickman

  67. Is Baker the finance guy at the sheriff office?


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