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Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Viewer Writes: The Kelly File


I am angered by people like Matt Bennett bashing Lt Gen Flynn. What Democrats need to come to grips with is this, The election is over, you LOST! We the people have spoken! Come January Donald Trump will be in the White House! We are sick and tired of your whining! You have had 8 years now it is our turn. Let's put America FIRST!


  1. Liberals do not know how to put America first. Its all about me me me me me!

  2. Hahahaha you guys are the picture of hypocrisy. Please review comments and posts from 2008 and 2012, then tell us how quickly this audience "got over it" and put America before politics

  3. I agree 100% instead of protests, start rallys for peace, and prosperity.

  4. Fox news is now run by Liberals ,richard murdochs son now run it.

  5. Dems are going to squawk loudly at every turn the new president makes. It's what they do, especially when their feelings are hurt and their plans interrupted.

    1. As if the conservatives have been quiet for the last 8 yrs. you can dish it out but you can't take it.

    2. 10:00
      I bet your a Clueless Millinial A--clown,obama devided this country on purpose but your to thick in the head to see how you where brainwashed x 8 yrs so enjoy 8 yrs of pro America dont like it practice your freedom in SYRIA.

    3. I can't defend myself from your eloquent rebuttal. I'm stunned by your mastery of grammar and spelling. You win.

  6. Bashing Flynn is not at all the same as bashing Mr. Trump.
    I support Mr. Trump.

    i do not support Mr. Flynn.


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