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Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Joe, I have seen it all!

We attended the free dinner tonight for our Veterans, at he Golden Corral. Our ROTC was ask to come to present the colors and National Anthem. One of the boys even sang the National Anthem. 

When they were finished they were ask to leave they weren't
needed by the owner. In previous these boys always stayed to hold the doors, direct Veterans to their table and helped Veterans who needed help with their trays etc. They were allowed to share the meal. These boys and girls were treated with a great deal of disrespect. 

The manager Jennifer was so embarrassed she was about in tears. 

The owner was in the office and would not come out. He just yelled out his orders. I think he owes the young people an apology. 

The warent officer took the boys out for pizza so he assured the boys had dinner. I also noticed there was not a lot of fan fair as usual. No movie on the TV's promoting the DAV as advertised for. I also notice about half as many Veterans showed up. Wonder why? Maybe they no longer appreciate our Veterans.


  1. The owner should have notified the ROTC that he was doing it differently this year and after the presentation of the colors and the National Anthem they wouldn't be needed anymore. Sounds like he really doesn't want to give away the free veterans' dinners anymore (which is fine, it's his choice) but is too cowardly to come out and say it.

  2. Do not let it bother Sir. I for one support all our Vets. I stopped eating there when the work release employees of this business started shooting heroin in the bath rooms. It used to be a great place to eat. Sadly many places are paying below min. wage or right at it and this is what you get for workers. Stand tall your efforts are noticed by those who count.

  3. Is it owned by a non american? Or one of those foriegn cabal entities like most gas stations? If so thats your problem.

  4. No one really appreciates out veterans... You an tell bu not only how they talk about them or treat them, but you don't see anyone stand up for them either... Oh well, it doesn't affect me so why should I bother mentality... If it wasn't for these people fighting for your rights, you would be speaking German or Japanese right now had they not stood up and fought...

    I wish you people who hate this country, trump, the veterans or anyone or anything else, should go to a god damn muslim country where they can stone you to death, beat you and rape you, then you will see what freedoms you had and how much they truly mean to you...

  5. News Flash folks....this Golden Corral sucks!

  6. Anybody know who the new owner is?

  7. Isn't this the same GC that failed to honor a reservation for the private room for a returning soldier's surprise homecoming party a year or two ago?

    1. Yes. It was my husbands return home party. Happy to say I've not stepped back in one since.

  8. I'm a veteran and I was there. If I had known about this at the time I would have bought them all dinner. Sorry that it turned out this way.

  9. The American people are sick and tired of the endless war initiated by our illegal government.

    We used to love the veterans. Now everybody I know strongly encourages young people to NOT VOLUNTEER for the armed services. We don't want our sons to become cannon fodder for corporate wars of aggression.

    I realize completely that you may not post this comment.
    But I hope you do. People need to hear another angle of this topic.

    1. Yeah COWARD MILLINIALS who one day will have there heads cut off by ISIS.

  10. Boycotting the restaurant now.

    1. Never ate there to begin with. They suck!

  11. 1:32 - That sounds familiar, I do believe you are correct. Can anyone confirm?

    1. It's the same one. I worked there at the time. The owner said that booking the reservation was a mistake because it was kids night.

  12. 1:13
    I know you must be ashamed of the comment.
    If you request it, the blog administrator will remove your comment.

    You weren't thinking clearly.

    I forgive you.
    Others maybe not?

    By the way, Freedom comes from our Father in Heaven, not from the barrel of a gun.

    1. What should 1:13 be ashamed of?

    2. Freedom comes from the men and women who fight and die for it! It was written into our Constitution y men! Father in heaven? Are you on drugs?

  13. 1:32....yes, same restaurant

  14. I haven't been back in over 6 years. Last time I went there, there was a long line, and a long wait time just to get a steak. The desert bar was nasty! Slop everywhere, and totally unclean. Popular items like shrimp were picked over. After that, I never came back. Flaming grill has good service and a wide selection of items at a great price. There is something for everyone there. They also appreciate your business as well.

  15. 3:05 Shouting out God's name in vain in a fit of anger which is acting like those he's angry about.

  16. I dont think you are comprehending what 1:13 is saying.

  17. I'm thinking the owner isn't from this country typical.

  18. I am a veteran and refuse to go there due to the place is filthy dirty. How does the health department allow it to stay open? I went a few times in the past and each time figured I would give them another chance, they ran out of chances. I will ass this incident to my story when I speak of why I don't no go there.

  19. The is not the first time. I do not patronize this place.

  20. Will never go there again !!!!!!!!!

  21. 113
    So you hope some of us will travel to a Muslim country and be raped or beaten.
    So we will appreciate what the veterans did for us?

    Is that what you are saying?

    If we don't agree with the illegal wars of aggression then we should be raped and beaten.
    Got it.

    Glad you aren't a deity.
    Pretty evil.

  22. Had our last meal there two weeks ago, overpriced. poor selection, very sloppy and unkempt.

  23. I haven't eaten there in years and don't plan on returning.

  24. Spread your dissatisfaction on Tripadvisor.

  25. The saddest part of all of this is that you people actually patronize this place and eat what they claim to be food.

  26. 1:10 PM , DO you mean they employ work release
    prisonors ???

    Was that the mens or ladies bath rm.u saw
    them shoot up heroin? The Reason
    being, I heard a retired cop say he could
    tell one of the employees was on drugs.

    This is most likely prevalent in a lot of
    work places with low wages.

  27. 6:32
    What you describe is not freedom.
    Freedom is free.

    Free is a part of the word for crying out loud!

    You are talking about government granted rights.
    Not freedom.

    Caesar giveth, and Caesar taketh away.
    If you got from the barrel of a gun, you will one day lose it by the barrel of a gun.
    That my friend is not freedom.

    1. That's why the right to bear arms is so important. But with all the sissy's out there these days whining about how the gun always commits the crime. America has gone soft and it because of people like this with weak views and can be pushed around. Don't tread on me buddy

  28. That place is nasty. You should consider it a blessing the kids didnt eat there.

  29. This is one of the worst places in Salisbury. Its food has gotten cheaper, they removed good items, the prices are outrageous, the place is dirty and I feel terrible for the wait staff they are treated terribly by some patrons and owner. I have seen that many foreign owners are ruining restaurants and hotels with their sub standard food and cleanliness. I know people who quit Checkers because they were stiffed on their checks, and the owner understaffs the place and has resorted to using relatives in place of regular workers...sad.

  30. Freedom isn't free, The price of freedom is vigilance. There are those who would take it away by the barrel of a gun, and by the barrel of the gun it must be protected. Make no mistake, veterans both those who were on the battlefield and those who weren't but could have been called to the battlefield at any time, protected your freedom as those still serving continue to protect your freedom.

  31. The person that owns GC, with another person he is a partner with who is a local, also owns 30 Burger Kings, I think that number is correct. But he owns the all the BK alone. His name is Mike D. He owns the BK in several locations in Salisbury and Ocean City and when I worked for them Mike D. was very fussy about making sure there was good food and service offered, but you can't control all the people that work for you all the time so that could be a factor I am not sure. But I agree the GC for sure went down hill in quality and service.

  32. I use to work for this Golden corral in 2004 I can tell you that it didn't use to be like this. People actually cared about the customers and we put pride in what we served you. I have only been back once because of the change in management and ownership. The employees are treated with so much disrespect and treated like dirt that they no longer take pride in what they do. I now work at an American legion and I know how bad it gets for our vets no one has the right to disrespect them after all they have done for our country. Golden corral really needs to wake up and start over again. They need to go back to the way things were.

  33. who is actually dumb enough to patronize this place? the food is disgusting!
    our vets deserve better!

  34. I will tell you why I quit going to GC - now going on 4 years. The last time my wife and I went into Golden Corral, several of the hot burners were broken and when I asked why several of their traditional dishes were missing - they explained that the broken burners were the reason.

    Please bare-in-mind that I am in the repair business and I service several major chain restaurants in and around Salisbury and I knew full well that this was a bad sign, both economically, and, customer satisfaction. So - I have decided to never go back.

  35. I quit going after I saw someone grab the tongs pick up their food then place the tongs with the handle back on top of the food. I thougt about how many hands had been on those and how many people sat the tongs back the same way.

  36. Rule 1: never go to a place where there's a snot guard to eat. chances are, you're not going to best customer service.

  37. Was there this past Saturday----Food was good,
    especially Steak/ Lg Fried Shrimp. And the food
    bar was quite reasonably clean when considering
    all those who drop things
    Might be ---- all the sad remarks on her is
    due to the time Certain Cooks, Help are
    I've been there when "things" could have been
    much better but all in all----it's been OK

    1. Why would you throw down good 💰 for something that's just okay? You'd be better off going for a good meal at Jimmy Johns. Great sandwiches okay prices. No drama.

  38. just ok? just ok? it's not even OK, my dog wouldn't eat that slop! true enough about the snot guard!

  39. Nobody cares any more, except me. Thanks Veterans. Sorry you had to serve under such a pathetic Commander in Chief, but I totally respect you for volunteering your lives to save ours.

    We have a new Leader coming into office who will not hold you guys and gals as whores to Big Oil, but to the actual protection of our Country. Life will become better for you and your buddies as a result.

    God, Please bless all our troops!

  40. 5:48 I don't know why you say something
    like that----I've eaten there be-
    fore & the food was good. Will say,
    it's not being kept up like it was when
    "Kirby" was there watching over things?
    He ran a "tight ship" .


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