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Saturday, November 05, 2016

A Successful Week Of Early Voting As Marylanders Break State Records

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Early voting in Maryland has ended, but not before making history. The turnout is the highest ever in state history.

Even a non-battle ground state like Maryland is making sure it sends a statement during this historic election.

Baltimore City Election officials say so far there have been no problems with early voting around the city.

Voters in Baltimore County being motivated for a whole slew of reasons.

“I’m very happy to see it over,” said Baltimore County early voter Terry Hogan.

“I’m actually kind of excited because this is my first year voting,” said voter Gabrielle Evans.

The early vote has reached a monumental 877,134 votes, compared to 2012’s 430,000 some votes.



  1. I would love to see Maryland turn red on election day.

  2. Did they have a drive-thru for hearses in Balto? :-)


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