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Thursday, October 20, 2016

WikiLeaks: Podesta, Soros Henchman Schemed Over Scalia Replacement

An email released by WikiLeaks on Tuesday reveals that Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta discussed possible Supreme Court replacements for Justice Antonin Scalia with a top George Soros henchman — barely a day after Scalia’s death.

“Remember our discussion of Wallace Jefferson, Chief Justice in Texas?” Chris Stone, Soros’ right-hand man and president of Open Society Foundations, asked John Podesta in an email titled “Scalia Replacement.”

"Yup," Podesta responded simply. The exchange not only shows the callous opportunism of liberals who couldn't even wait 48 hours before salivating over replacing Scalia with a leftist activist masquerading as an impartial justice — but also the outsized influence that Soros and his Open Society Foundations exert on American politics.



  1. They schemed because they MUST disarm American Citizens prior to the economic collapse. It is absolutely necessary. It will happen.

  2. Why isn't the CIA not taking Soro's out?? He is a real nut job and is very dangerous.

    A marriage made in and for hell is Soro's pulling the Clinton's strings along with Obama's help.


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