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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Wikileaks: Investor Conspired with Clinton Campaign to Ambush Trump Live on CNBC

Private equity investor and former Bill Clinton advisor Glenn Hutchins conspired with Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden to ambush GOP nominee Donald Trump during a live television interview, leaked emails reveal.

“I am going on CNBC between 8 and 9 AM on Monday morning and expect, among other topics, to be asked about HRC. My plan is to contrast the Rs whining after the CNBC debate with her masterful performance before the Benghazi panel and pose the question of who looks presidential,” Hutchins wrote to Tanden and Podesta. “As I prepare, any input from you two would be welcome.”

“I think you may get asked about the debate and Paris. I will send you ideas post debate,” Tanden said.

“Turns out now that Trump is calling in between 8 and 8:10. So I am going on at 7:45 in order to be in place for to call,” Hutchins replied. “I am trying to craft one question to ask him in case I get a chance. Any thoughts?”

Podesta suggested ambushing Trump with a question about minimum wage.


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