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Saturday, October 08, 2016

WikiLeaks Exposes More Clinton Files


  1. You know what is truly sad? I believe any other Republican would have been politically competent enough to destroy Hillary. Sadly our candidate has wasted ever single opportunity. It's sad.

  2. They held the 10 year old Trump thing in anticipation that this was going to be released. It was halfheartedly admitted that NBC had it and was sitting on it for the right moment.

    They are using locker room chatter as a defensive to this damaging email dump.

    Pretty pathetic. As a woman, I have had much more lewd thoughts than his verbal one. And what he said was true, I am sure he could have anyone because of his money.

    At this point, as usual at this point in an election year, I am so thoroughly disgusted at the ignorant petty personal attacks. Stick to the issues. I don't give a ratsazz what lewd comment he made a decade ago.

  3. 10:17 AM sorry to hear you are so wrapped up in the party game. It is not about any damn party. Its about US. The people. The citizens.


    1. Sorry you're too stupid to realize the party represents a set of ideals.

  4. Here she says that we're a "bucket of losers" that threaten her election chances.
    Let's show her just what we losers can do when given the chance, and how big that bucket really is.

  5. 1241, you are missing the main point. Neither "Party" has any ideals, and even less scruples.

    At least Donald J. Trump has both.

    Just vote Trump, because the alternative id the demise of the Constitution and the beginning of the next Civil War.

    1. Of course I'm voting for Trump. But I don't think he has a snow balls chance of victory over the she devil. So I am also stocking up on ammo.


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