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Sunday, October 23, 2016

What's Happening 10-19-16

What's happening in the area?  Let us know the good the bad and the ugly. 


  1. About an hour ago,the Rite Aid on Nanticoke Rd was surrounded by police???

  2. Robbed black female with braid threatened to use Taser

  3. Yes, and I believe Pemberton Elementary was put on lockdown. SPD confirmed robbery. Welcome to the Wild Westside !

  4. Dabury
    Spd states just a black female asking about hair product nothing to see here.

  5. Lock and load people the thug s will be out in force when hillary looses.

  6. What did this thugette steal from rite aid?

    1. You know it wasn't job applications or Fathers Day cards. She doesn't want and job and doesn't know who her father is.

  7. Move along, nothing to see here. Just another robbery, at least its a nice day outside.

  8. Shout out to the staff at Apple Drugs in Fruitland. They a very friendly and efficient. Recently informed me of a dangerous drug allergy to a medication that my doctors office had called in for me. You'd of thought my doctors would of know right...Thanks Apple!

    1. Love apple but can save slot of money rite aid. 89 at apple 39 at rite aid I mean come on.

  9. Public needs to be more informed about the Council's move to limit Executive with the issues on the ballot. No public hearings. Public needs to vote 'NO' and force the Council to hear from the people they represent on all of the ballot issues - not try to railroad them through.

  10. I see we are getting a new business next to Giant..I mean Acme. That is a good thing

  11. Anonymous said...
    Public needs to be more informed about the Council's move to limit Executive with the issues on the ballot. No public hearings. Public needs to vote 'NO' and force the Council to hear from the people they represent on all of the ballot issues - not try to railroad them through.

    October 19, 2016 at 3:23 PM

    Thanks A. Kaye Kenny, now go back and do your job!

  12. Everything on WBOC about Trump is negative and nothing about Hillary.

  13. finally caught up with JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE and getting him wasted he feels much better now

  14. Ever think we are seeing soooo many retirement commercials because the government is trying to prepare the younger generation that Social Security won't exist when they reach that age???

  15. Hey I'm just surviving and nobody caught up with me. Lol.

  16. She didn't take any job applications!!!!

  17. are we getting another Grocery Store in North Salisbury? a German owned company...

  18. Good - fishing in Assaswoman Bay today was great
    Bad - knowing this warm weather will be leaving soon
    Ugly - the s-show that begins at 9pm.

    Time to get one's drink on!

    Psst - Less than 2 days until TGIF!!!!


  19. Wayne Strausburg said...

    Public needs to be more informed about the Council's move to limit Executive with the issues on the ballot. No public hearings. Public needs to vote 'NO' and force the Council to hear from the people they represent on all of the ballot issues - not try to railroad them through.

    October 19, 2016 at 3:23 PM

  20. Anonymous said...
    Public needs to be more informed about the Council's move to limit Executive with the issues on the ballot. No public hearings. Public needs to vote 'NO' and force the Council to hear from the people they represent on all of the ballot issues - not try to railroad them through.

    October 19, 2016 at 3:23 PM

    The last time I checked, every one of these meetings and work sessions were open to the public. They can also be found online. Nothing to hide here unless you are the county executive.


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