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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What You're Not Hearing From The Delmar Police & WCSO


  1. My whole yard is on lock down, plus cameras around the house.

  2. If you notice your neighbors or friendly teen kids asking about your camera system, be prepared. I have cameras around my house and had a friendly visit with my not-so-nice son recently. He asked harmless questions about my system and he happens to live near the train tracks in town. If you have IR cameras, you should be good as he saw mine were quite clear, but I hate to think the worse of what could be going on around there. There's way too many democrats running loose in town with nothing better to do, especially at night.

  3. Thats the way to go anonymous mine is to!

  4. I just did a search for that street and the screen that came up on google was listing ten homes for sale on that street. I didn't go any further but that tells me something right there. I also measured the street on the map that showed up, from one end to the other.

    Total distance: 3,874.30 ft (1.18 km)

    20 break-ins on or near that street?!

    I don't live in that town but my daughter lives outside of it near the Exxon station. Are these breakins recent? An ongoing issue? TIA.

  5. My neighbor two doors down got his weed wacker stolen and a couple other neighbors saw ppl snooping around. it was two weekends ago he said. I hope they catch the ppl. This was in parsonsburg.


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