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Thursday, October 27, 2016

We are Living in Very Strange Times!

1 comment:

  1. very interesting. in my mind, some of the comments were reasonable, yet some not so. in the last day knowledge will abound at a rate very hard to receive or absorb. some people want to be god, want to control, don't want to answer to anyone. some understand we must, at some point, answer to a Living God, the God of creation. And of course then they Had to throw the comments regarding 'climate change'. YES, our climate is changing as it has been since the Beginning of Time, BUT it is NOT man made climate change. period!

    the Robots don't have a soul and more. they can Never be human as created by God. AI is scary on many levels. it can be used for good, But because many would take this to extremes with NO thought of morals or how God would view this or even where it would go, it is truly frightening. without God there is NO wisdom. this was a quote by Noah Webster (Webster's Dictionary) and of course God said this Himself in scripture.


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