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Friday, October 28, 2016

WATCH: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee confuses Wikipedia with WikiLeaks

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, denounced the wrong website on Friday for releasing thousands of hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta.

"You know that I'm going to first of all denounce the utilization of this intrusion by Wikipedia through the Russian intrusion," Jackson Lee said in an interview with MSNBC on Friday. "This is what it's about. Espionage just like what was said over these last couple of days. We need to be concerned about the intrusion of Russia and Putin in these elections."

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia and was not behind the release of the Podesta emails. WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange, was the outlet Jackson Lee was likely referring to.



  1. Remember when she planted our flag on Mars after our first maned visit.

  2. Cant stand this racist old fool trump is correct TERM LIMITS ALREADY.

  3. This woman has proven time and again she has no brain.

  4. She is as dumb as a box of rocks. Her so called "education" was nothing more then affirmative action in action and it shows everytime she opens that mouth of hers. She is very ignorant. It's most unfortunate that the US education system was dumbed down to accommodate low IQ "losers" like Lee. Even the leaked Clinton emails talks about blacks being "losers" and "underachievers" which means lazy in plain English.

  5. If you go to Wikipedia and look up the word term limits, her face should be right next to it

  6. a more stupid person is rarely created...

  7. Typical DEMOCRAT. I just listened to an on-the-street interview of millennials/Democrats on the radio on my way to early vote for Trump. They asked them how they felt about Obamacare premiums going up as much as 100%. They all thought that was good because that meant they were getting more premium healthcare. One actually said his parents would be happy to know he was being covered by such a great healthcare plan that is even more premium.
    This last generation of mindless snowflakes is unbelievable. And even more scary, many are voting!


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