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Monday, October 03, 2016

US university offers course for men to 'deconstruct toxic masculinities'

A university in the United States has begun offering classes in “constructive male allyship,” providing a space where male students are able to “question and deconstruct toxic masculinities.”

Duke University, based in the city of Durham, North Carolina, held its first Learning Community session last week. The women’s centre has organised a nine-week series of seminars, as part of the Duke Men’s Project.

And, with sexual harassment and sexism remaining hot topics on American university campuses, the university has created the seminar series under the banner of the Men’s Project.

“Our purpose is twofold: to foster constructive male allyship, and to question and deconstruct toxic masculinities,” the Men’s Project says on its website.



  1. So now we have a college course on the sissyification of men! Glad I never got that memo. Wow utter Nonsense. Guess guess you get castrated at the end of the course? Might as well you wont be needing a pair after that graduation....

    1. So true, this world is disgraceful!

  2. Colleges are turning people into idiots.

  3. I am glad I am old enough so I do not need to deal with this nonsense. Pure crap!

  4. I took that class in college.
    Introduction to Sissyness I.

  5. They should attack the Professors that teach this crap.

  6. The sissyfication of men in the US is a globalist agenda.
    These courses don't happen organically. They are planned.
    Sissy men are much easier to control than masculine men.
    Welome to the engineered police state.


  7. In the course catalog it's PW101.

  8. Should it be PMS 101, 1104?

  9. Just more BS. I bet this will be offered as a Masters degree.

  10. Sounds like they are offer classes on how to be gay. Deconstructing masculinities, toxic or otherwise, is just trying to turn straight men into gay men. Perhaps they can enroll some of the "masculine" gay women and bring them back to normal women. LOL, most ridiculous thing I've heard of (today). Remember, when society finally comes apart at it's very fabric (we're headed there, but that's another post), it will be the Alpha Males that rule. Always have, always will.


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