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Saturday, October 29, 2016

University of Texas: No Cowboy or Indian Costumes

Students at the University of Texas in Austin have been advised not to wear cowboy boots or cowboy hats on Halloween.

Telling a Texan not to wear cowboy boots is like telling Colonel Sanders not to fry chicken.

Fraternities and Sororities were instructed to avoid Halloween party costumes and themes that might “appropriate another culture or experience,” according to The College Fix.

Students were issued a 29-point checklist to ensure they avoid any controversial or offensive trick or treat regalia.



  1. Regulating speech

    Guess they don't believe in the Constitution either

  2. What if you are a real Indian or Cowboy? Can't wear your own clothes?

    WWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!! I want my safe space!

    I will come dressed in my First Amendment outfit...

  3. No more toga parties or costumes, because the Romans had slaves.


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