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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Trump Camp: 'Unbelievable' Level of Collusion between Clinton and DOJ on Email Investigation

Donald Trump reacted to news that Hillary Clinton’s campaign communicated with the Department of Justice (DOJ) during the department’s investigation and litigation into her use of a private email server, which was recently revealed by WikiLeaks.

“Wow. Unbelievable,” Trump posted on Twitter after an email revealed Clinton’s spokesman Brian Fallon communicating with the DOJ in May.
NEW: Hacked e-mails from Wikileaks appear to show Clinton campaign spokesman in touch with DOJ officials regarding e-mail litigation:
Trump’s campaign also released a statement reacting to the email. Trump’s senior communications advisor Jason Miller stated:
Today’s report that Clinton’s campaign was in communication with the Obama Department of Justice on the email investigation shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server. The Department of Justice must release all communications with the Clinton campaign and her allies as soon as possible in order to definitively prove their investigation was completely above board.

Trump has previously questioned whether or not there was collusion between the DOJ and the Clintons regarding the investigation into the private email server.


  1. This is TREASON by CNN and MSNBC and the state department.

  2. Yes it is. But unfortunately with the current state of the national media and government, the truth will be buried.

  3. I disagree with Mr. Trump. It's totally believable, and surprising only in its scope and depth.

  4. justice ordered that e-mails be released after the election. isn't that collusion?


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