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Monday, October 24, 2016

Trump and Blacks

Who would have thought that Donald Trump, of all people, would be addressing the fact that the black community suffers the most from a breakdown of law and order? But sanity on racial issues is sufficiently rare that it must be welcomed, from whatever source it comes.

When establishment Republicans have addressed the problems of blacks at all, it has too often been in terms of what earmarked benefits can be offered in exchange for their votes. And there was very little that Republicans could offer to compete with the Democrats' whole universe of welfare state earmarks.

Law and order, however, is not an earmarked benefit for any special group. It is a policy for all that is especially needed by law-abiding blacks, who are the principal victims of those who are not law-abiding.

Education is another area where something that is needed by all segments of the population is especially needed by blacks and other low-income minorities. In other words, here again there is no need for a divisive policy of earmarked benefits, in order to attract new voters into a "big tent."

No matter what policy Republicans follow, they are not going to win a majority of the black votes this year, nor perhaps even this decade.

Nor is that necessary. Just an erosion of the Democrats' monopoly of the black votes can benefit both Republicans and the black community, who are currently taken for granted by the Democrats. Republicans may also get more white votes if they are no longer seen by some as racists.



  1. The real racists are among the Democrats, who blindly subscribe to the party that keeps blacks under its thumb while pandering to them in the most dishonest ways, making absurd promises that have never and can never be kept. What is worse is the number of black politicians who are in essence the trusties for the Party, who year after year tell their constituents one thing while the Party does another, with many of them (you only need look as far as PG and Baltimore counties for examples) steal the government and their constituents blind.

  2. "Trump and Blacks"

    Not a very sensible way to title an article.


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