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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trump accuses Dems of manufacturing 'phony polls'

Donald Trump is blaming his slump in national and state-level polls on Democratic pollsters who he accused on Monday of spreading "phony polls" aimed at suppressing Republican voter turnout.

"Major story that the Dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the [sic] Trump," tweeted the Republican presidential nominee. "We are going to WIN!"

Trump trails Hillary Clinton by 6.1 percentage points in the latestRealClearPolitics national average and is behind the Democratic presidential hopeful in every battleground state except Iowa and Ohio, where he carries slim leads.



  1. They seem to forget to mention that Trump got more votes in the primary than any Republican in history. According to Real Clear Politics 13.3 million, 1.8 mil more than the previous record, W. Bush. Also, Republicans had bigger primary turnout in general by over 5 million votes. Hillary got more primary votes than Trump but part of that might be due to the DNC favoring her over Sanders and Trump competing with some very competent opponents. So take the polls with a grain of salt...remember what they predicted in 1980.

  2. These are the lies the MSM must tell so when the Democrats rig and steel the election people will belive it as truth. Only problem is everyone knows Trump is beating her ass. Oh just for your information no one with a brain trust the MSM or the goverment.

  3. Trump is correct once again. Wikileaks released Podesta emails show the Clinton team "recommending" how the polls should be conducted. Stacked with African Americans, hispanics and native Americans in western states. I think at this point the only polls to be taken with any seriousness would be individual state polls and even there you have to look at who contracted them. If it's a liberal media outlet forget that poll.

  4. After the election, a retrospective analysis of the "polls" is going to show that most were rigged to favor Hillary. Those that are even marginally connected to MSM sources will be more nails in the collective coffin of the MSM.


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