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Friday, October 28, 2016

The worst of ObamaCare is yet to come

Word that ObamaCare premiums will soar 25 percent in the 39 states that operate off the federal healthcare.gov system is only the tip of the iceberg: The so-called Affordable Care Act is inflicting damage all across America’s health-care sector — with no end in sight.

Just as critics warned from the start.

Premiums are rising in nearly all the states that run their own exchanges, too. And if you get other coverage, you’re also paying: ObamaCare taxes non-exchange health plans to help pay for the subsidies that make its policies (somewhat) affordable. (It also cut tens of billions from Medicare.)

This, on top of the regulations that impact policies across America — boosting costs by mandating added coverage, whether you want it or not. The move forced insurers to cancel coverage for 6 million-plus people — even as tens of millions found that, no, they couldn’t keep their doctor after all.

More, the law also pushed consolidation — penalizing doctors who stay in independent practice, rewarding hospitals that merge. All because the liberals who wrote the law saw such competition as destructive.

Oh, and the nonprofit “insurance cooperatives” created with tens of billions in federal funds have nearly all failed.


1 comment:

  1. ACA was written by the Insurance Lobbyists.


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