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Monday, October 24, 2016

Telegraph: U.S. Top Country for Gun Ownership, Not Even in Top 10 for Firearm Deaths

On October 22 The Telegraph published a map showing the U.S. leads the world in private firearm ownership but does not even crack the Top 10 when it comes to firearm-related deaths.

According to the Telegraph, the countries with highest per-capita gun ownership are:

USA – 112.6 guns per 100 residents
Serbia – 75.6
Yemen – 54.8
Switzerland – 45.7
Cyprus – 36.4
Saudi Arabia – 35
Iraq – 34.2
Uruguay – 31.8
Sweden – 31.6
Norway – 31.3

Note–the Telegraph presents gun ownership as so expansive in the U.S. that guns actually outnumber people. Yet the U.S. does not appear on the list of the Top 10 countries for firearm-related deaths. 

Those countries are:

Honduras – 67.18 per 100,000 residents per year
Venezuela – 59.13
Swaziland – 37.16
Guatemala – 34.1
Jamaica – 30.72
El Salvador – 26.77
Colombia – 25.94
Brazil – 21.2
Panama – 15.11
Uruguay – 11.52


  1. If they just took the stats from U.S. cities where guns are banned, the numbers would be different.

  2. Notice how most of the countries with the highest gun death rates are Latin American countries. Build the Wall now. No more unlimited immigration.


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