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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Support Swells for Trump!

Due to Hillary Clinton/GOPe smear job on Friday, Trump supporters congregated at Trump Towers in the rain yesterday to show him their support. To reciprocate, the man himself came down to greet the massive crowd in person, thanking them!

The below video shows different angles and does contain some explicit language; however, it demonstrates Clinton's ruse has once-again backfired and made his following more adoring than ever before.

They still love him because he still loves America!

Trump Towers - New York City - October 8, 2016


  1. Woo hoo, go Trump!

  2. He is doing everything possible to throw this election.
    But the people cling to the hope he provides.
    Our once great Nation is at the brink of extinction as we have known it.

  3. 3:15, that is way we need Trump. As a white woman I care less as to what someone said 11 years ago. But I do care about 4 dead people and everything else she has done. Who in the last 11 years has not said something they now feel they should not have? I for one have. (map)

  4. 315 that's the most asinine comment I've read on Salisbury News which is saying a lot if you come here often. Trump had a conversation 11 years ago that was supposed to be PRIVATE! Your assessment that he's the one doing anything is just ridiculous and without any credibility whatsoever. He's been vilified the entire time, since June 2015. So he's not doing anything but his contenders are doing plenty to demonize him so people won't listen to his common sense policies that will put America back to on a track to prosperity. You sound absolutely absurd, therefore no doubt, a Clinton supporter.

    Sorry, but as I've said before, anyone voting for corrupt criminals has no room to talk about anyone in any way.

  5. So it is OK to talk about groping women and making advances on married women if done in PRIVATE?

  6. Once again. moron button needed.

    So it is OK to talk about groping women and making advances on married women if done in PRIVATE?

    Uh, wow, so you've never lusted after a married person? You've never talked with your buddies or gal friends about some hot guy/gal? How perfect are you? Maybe we should erect a statute in the middle of Salisbury to you as your sainthood is soon coming. Moral narcissism is so ugly it's pathetic.

  7. 402 you said "erect." You shouldn't use words like that because it might offend the delicate senses of some on the site. That's a 50 shades of grey term. Watch yourself, Loretta.

  8. Sorry, but one poll (Marist) has him down more in PA - down 8. It's over, sadly. The demographics make this impossible. No CA, NY, PA, NJ, and all of Nee England. There is simply no path left. Time to think about how to protect your family.

    There will never be another conservative elected in our lifetimes. America is over.

  9. If you're going to be a Marxist shouldn't you learn how to spell? Such a defeatist attitude. So you're good with being a slave and your children having absolutely nothing you leave behind because the government will tax it all away? That's just brilliant. So sad that so many people out there buy the propaganda just like the Jews bought it in Nazi Germany before they voted it to be Nazi Germany. Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it.

  10. I'M 70 yrs old. All that I can say is we can't all live like the Walton's. I sure am glad I don't have any skeletons living in my closet.

  11. 516 can we get your address so we can send you your sainthood certificate? Thanks.

  12. As a nearly 50 yr old woman who can't walk into any Home Depot/Lowes and even the grocery store without some man trying to talk to me including some young enough to be my son, I find no offense in what Donald Trump said at all. I think it must be my confidence but never have words offended me. I'm offended more by actions. As someone said elsewhere he is referring to be famous and how some women practically throw themselves at someone famous. They are whores and when dealing with whores that is how all men talk about them. I've also noticed a pattern that it's the unfortunate looking women who are saying they are "offended".

  13. to 3:53
    What a shame that Hillary couldn't keep the Monika Lewinsky scandal (PRIVATE)

  14. Man of the people. Hillary supporters don't do this for their candidate. Speaks volumes.

    We see past the crap. If you are / were from the NE nothing he does or says will offend you. It is what it is.

  15. It's either Trump or burn the country down.

  16. 5:15 -
    I can spell, and I'm not a Marxist. Marist is a college that does polling, retard. Get an education, and believe all you want. Hilary is going to be President, and I'm going plan out my next moves to make sure my family doesn't get enslaved. It may mean moving out of the USA.


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