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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

State Trooper/Flight Paramedic Applicant Orientation


  1. Well. I'm 73, can't see very well, and have never flown a copter, but am willing to learn.

    Am I in?

  2. I recently attended one of these, it's good to see into how it works somewhat. However with the way police are being disrespected and being mistreated by the general public it's not worth even becoming a office any more.

  3. This is the biggest waste of taxpayers money in Maryland. We are the only state in the country who provides this service. Every other state is covered by a "for hire" air transport system. The new helicopters cost tens of millions of dollars each and they added a second provider onboard which costs tons of money in salary and benefits. These are sworn state troopers who are riding onboard. Such a waste of manpower. You have two troopers working the road in a whole county pretty much ALL the time. This slows response time and is unsafe. These sworn paramedics should not be in place and should be out there working the road in the communities. This is a bill that is footed by taxpayers and even has a few tacked onto vehicle registrations to help finance this. Every other state survives using a paid air ambulance system. Why is Maryland providing this for free? With the budget deficit that Maryland has, this is the first cut that should be made. Put Troopers on the road to serve the public. If those troopers want to be paramedics, let them go get a job with an ambulance service or fire department. The state police should be in the business of law enforcement not EMS. I can't believe the public has not fought this.

  4. 10:07 You do have a point. What is going on with the State Police. A friend told me the are no longer working in the Sherriff's crime unit and they also pulled out of the child sex crime unit. It could be a rumor but the person that told me is related to a Trooper. Joe maybe you can look into this. Is something going on bwteen Mike Lewis and the Troopers ????


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