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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

State Department aide pleads the Fifth more than 90 times

A former State Department IT aide invoked his Fifth Amendment rights and refused to answer more than 90 questions Monday during the final deposition in a lawsuit over Hillary Clinton's private emails.

John Bentel, former Director of Information Resource Management of the executive secretariat, would not answer questions about whether the Clintons had paid his legal fees or offered him financial incentives, according to Judicial Watch, the conservative-leaning group that brought the suit.

A federal judge in August ordered Bentel to testify under oath because "the record in this case appears to contradict his sworn testimony before the Benghazi Committee."

Bentel told the House Select Committee on Benghazi in June 2015 that he had no knowledge of Clinton's private email server.



  1. That's a lot of times that he thought that his answers might incriminate him.

  2. Because he's guilty as heck?

  3. Or that he fears for his life, and that he doesn't want to lose that big wad of cash he got to clam up.

  4. Who's paying for the lawyers that are telling these witnesses to take the 5th?

  5. Just don't steal a tube of lipstick at WalMart.
    And, don't fail to pay all of your taxes.
    Also, never lie to the police, destroy evidence under subpoena, or obstruct a federal criminal investigation.

    DOZENS of police and investigators would swarm your house and office in SWAT gear, searching every nook and cranny on your home and office, humiliate you, ruin your life, and the charges would take TWO pages to list.
    Unless, of course, you are protected by the Two Sets of Laws.
    Then, instead of running to a South American country with no extradition treaty, you run for PRESIDENT.
    Cue the cheering!


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