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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SPD Releases Photo Of Rite Aid Robbery Suspect

Underway: Investigation into robbery at Rite-Aid (Nanticoke/Parsons) can u id 410-548-1776


  1. Maybe she went OFF TRAIL for the jake day Dabury Run ?

  2. Seriously? In this day and age of technology and this is the BEST picture they can release of the suspect?

  3. Letter To The Editor

    As we speak the Hebron Fire Department EMS and the Parsonsburg Fire Department EMS are getting dispatched to cover ambulance calls in Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department is getting dispatched to "Stand By" until Hebron and Parsonsburg ambulances get there.

    This is called a mismanagement of funds and resources. The city and county tax dollars is funding paid firemen to sit around and chase ambulance calls all day since there are rarely any fires.

    Again as noted recent Letter To The Editor, the volunteers in the Salisbury Fire Department are not getting dispatched to any calls unless the paid fire engines are committed on another medical assist.

    Rick Hoppes has all but forced the Volunteers of the Salisbury Fire Department out the door. They have no say in running the day to day operations and Rick Hoppes has taken control of the monies funded to the VOLUNTEERS from Wicomico County.

    This is how the Fire Chief and Mayors(Jim Ireton and Jake Day) spend your city and county tax dollars.

    This happens every single day in the City of Salisbury and YOUR life is in Jeopardy!! Obviously the wasteful spending of your county tax dollars is endorsed by County Executive Bob Culver because he has been in Office for 2 years and has done absolutely NOTHING about it!!

  4. I have seen better pictures of bigfoot.

  5. It's a good enough near-profile for those who know who she is to identify her.

  6. I'd start with the Pemberton Apts

  7. Well now, that's just a wonderful picture. Anyone should be able to identify this person - NOT!!

  8. The faulty cameras are the very reason why so many banks are being robbed.
    Nobody would have expected such poor cameras in this day and age.

  9. This is the outdoor camera. Where's the footage from the interior cameras?

  10. they get a better picture of my car and license plate on speed cameras in Fruitland.

  11. Hard to tell who it is from the back of their head.


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