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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Signs of Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease

The biggest story of the season, and it hasn't really broken out yet

This is one of the most under-reported stories of campaign, and it is not really clear why the Trump campaign has not made more of this, considering the enormous amount of very compelling evidence, and its shocking implications.

We first reported on this story in mid-September, and then got so interested in it, and found it so compelling, that we decided tointerview the American doctor, Ted Noel, who is most active in collecting the evidence. Combined views on our articles and videos we have posted on this exceed 150,000, so it seems that we aren’t the only ones who find this story compelling.

Here is a recent video from him. The more he digs, the more convincing it gets.


1 comment:

  1. if she becomes president, this could be a Major issue.


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