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Saturday, October 29, 2016

SEE IT: Assailant sucker-punches elderly man in Upper East Side

A disturbing video captured an assailant sucker-punching an 85-year-old man in an Upper East Side park, marking the latest in a string of attacks on the elderly.

The video, released Wednesday, shows a man clad in a puffy black jacket and a red knit cap, creep up behind the victim as he’s walking through a Carl Schurz Park promenade at E. 90th St. and East End Ave. at about 3 p.m. Tuesday.

He winds his arm back, and the screen fades out before the blow connects.

A moment later, the attacker, his arm outstretched and fist still balled up, walks backwards, away from the victim.



  1. Wish he was so fisty with me! No the same outcome.

    1. Let me guess your a ninja, secret military trained or born totally skilled fighter? Real world if your not fighting 3 or 4 times a week with professional coaches training 100 percent and working on grappling cardio. Then this would happen to you and to most of us.

  2. What a waste of flesh. Despicable!

  3. Should read coward, instead of assailant


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