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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Rush Reveals Michelle’s Perverted Past After She ATTACKS Trump

Rush Limbaugh humiliated Michelle Obama for attacking Donald Trump for his private sex talk.

“It’s not locker room talk. I don’t know men who talk that way. Decent men do not talk that way. What Trump was talking about was sexual assault,” Michelle Obama said.

According to Conservative Tribune:

“Men brag, and she is telling people that she doesn’t know men who brag. You know the people that have been to the White House?” Rush said. (WARNING: Some of the language here and later in the story may be offensive to some readers.)

“How about some of the rappers that talk about their b****** and their hos have performed such lyrics in the White House? But she doesn’t know men who talk and sing about sexual assault. It’s all over hip-hop lyrics and has been for a while!

“So is assault on the police a feature of some hip-hop lyrics, and it’s been performed at the White House. But she doesn’t know men who talk that way. She doesn’t know decent guys who talk that way.”



  1. can everyone spell Michelle hypocrite?

    1. With her shakkkkkkky nervous voice.

  2. I cant believe my eyes now fox news has on Martin Omalley on bashing trump i am done with fox, 25 yrs gone.

    1. Fair and balanced 11:53 AM. I can make my choices based on FOX coverage. If I used NBC as my base, I would hear Trump accused of scandals 24/7 and not a whisper of WikiLeaks. IMO most MSM is very one sided, leaning left.

  3. I was looking at the connections between rappers and the left to highlight lyrics like this myself. Knew it was there already.

  4. Michelle a tranny she needs to sit down and shutup

  5. Obama's rise to power left several dead bodies of those in Chicago's sodomite community with ties to Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ.

  6. WND spoke with a member of the East Bank Club in Chicago, who confirmed Obama was a member there and was known to be a homosexual. The upscale fitness club, which has some 10,000 members, is not a “gay” facility. But it’s one of a number of places identified by the Chicago homosexual community as a “gay gym,” where homosexuals meet and engage in sexual activity.

  7. Michael is reading the script given to him.
    Nothing more or less
    These people are actors.
    They don't have actual power.

    Wake up for crying out loud.
    It is a drama, a scripted fairy tale.
    The actors are all completely compromised individuals.
    Being compromised is a prerequisite for the job.

    The elites control these actors.
    And write their scripts.

  8. Can't wait till Sasquatch moves back to her forest!

  9. Don't forget the most visits to the White House award goes to Al Sharpton he is such a standup blackman, and never pays he past due taxes but lets get on Trump, hows that work for you bigot?

  10. 4:42, I agree. (map)


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