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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Restraint Deaths and Cover-ups of Abuse of the Disabled

Jonathan Carey was developmentally disabled and had autism and only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers, Jonathan was illegally restrained

The shocking statements regarding the use of restraints by Jay Kiyonaga who is the acting Executive Director of the fraudulent New York State Justice Center are quite disturbing.
— Michael Carey

DELMAR, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, /EINPresswire.com/ -- Jonathan’s crime or offense was that he unbuckled his seat belt in a parked van. The New York State employed caregiver who was Jonathan’s one to one aide and who was to be in arms length of Jonathan to assist him and protect him left him for over twenty minutes to do a personal banking errand. The other NYS caregiver in the van, who had worked 197.5 hours within the two weeks, immediately put Jonathan into an illegal physical restraint restricting his breathing. Jonathan is my son and Jonathan should never have been restrained in any way. Jonathan was the most loving person that I have ever met and you should get to know him and some of the horrific things he endured. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/06/nyregion/boys-death-highlights-crisis-in-homes-for-disabled.html - http://www.nytimes.com/video/nyregion/100000000849083/a-failure-to-protect.html



  1. The handicapped are treated a hundred times better than in the sixties and seventys..this is not at all condoning what happened..but, you can't prevent things like this. Usually most people have no idea the strength and amount of ability that a autistic or handicapped person have. Some are downright dangerous without enough support. And a lot of places skimp on aides to keep cost down and overwork thier aides. These are the kinds of things that happen.

    1. You can't prevent things like this?? Are you freakin serious? Guess you can't prevent stupid either!!


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